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賴治怡 Jacqueline Lai 小魚本人

坎城國際創意節台灣官方代表 台灣創意週策展人

楊懿珍 Yizhen Yang

台灣創意週 總監

尹國賢 Gavin Yin

影片導演 Film Director

葉俊慶 Chunching Yeh

實踐大學 媒體傳達設計學系 專任助理教授

Remii Huang

Directors LuckySparks

許愈珮 Yuh-Pey Hsu

奧美廣告策略總監 PLANNING DIRECTOR of Ogilvy Taiwan

呂豐餘 F.Y Lu


蔡明丁 Martin Tsai

BBDO台灣 執行創意總監 Executive Creative Director, BBDO TAIWAN

楊子江 John Yang

不來梅 創意總監

Juan Pablo Garcia

MullenLowe SSP3 事業總監 Business Director

周允玉 Edith

安索帕台灣 總經理

黃榮美 Cariou Huang

創意總監 Creative Director Isobar Taiwan.

周培林 Peilin Chou

宇匯知識科技 創辦人

Mathias Wikström

ECD/CEO 2017 年 Cyber Lions 網路創意獎年度大獎「奧蘭指數」主導者

Johan Pihl

2017 年坎城雙年度大獎(Grand Prix)得主 Johan Pihl

Adi Kadussi

Circ MedTech 科技公司

馮培蒂 Peiti Feng

Boost Mobile 品牌戰略與營銷傳播總監

Jeremy Agers

Senior manager of social media and integration

高耀威 Yaowei Gao

彩虹來了 創辦人

高橋博之 Hiroyuki Takahashi


坂本陽児 Yoji Sakamoto

東京電通資深溝通設計總監 Senior Communication Design Manager, Dentsu Tokyo

周麗君 Alice Chou

台灣電通 創意長 Chief Creative Officer, Dentsu Taiwan

陳宣宇 Fish Chen

台灣靈智廣告 董事總經理暨首席創意執行官 Havas Worldwide Taiwan Managing Director & Chief Creative Officer

陶淑真 Judy Tao

電通國華 創意長, 2017 年 Spikes Asia 亞洲創意獎評審

王艾莉 Alice Wang

王艾莉設計 總監,2017 年 Spikes Asia 亞洲創意獎評審

保持 壮太郎 Sotaro Yasumochi

Dentsu Inc. / Dentsu Lab Tokyo Creative Director 2017 年坎城網路創意獎(Cyber Lions)評審 「Honda 之聲」(Sound of Honda)的核心團隊成員

施俊宇 Mouse

網路基因 創辦人暨總經理

蔣依潔 EJ Chiang


Adam Reuterskiöld

瑞典 ÅKESTAM HOLST 合夥人暨創意總監

清水幹太 Qanta Shimizu

PARTY 共同創辦人暨技術長 Founder, Technology Officer

Anirudh Sharma

Co-founder, GRAVIKY LABS Graviky 實驗室共同創辦人 2017 年 Forbes 雜誌亞洲「30 位 30 歲以下人物」

吳耀仁 Matt Wu

台灣百靈佳殷格翰股份有限公司 公共關係暨內部溝通經理

戴綻鈴 Irene Dai


佐藤達郎 教授 Prof Tatsuro Sato

Tama Art University professor 多摩美術大學教授 曾參加坎城創意節 14 次,並擔任坎城創意節評審

陳意文 Yiwen Chen

淡江大學副教授兼系主任 Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Information and Communication, Tamkang University

Tuomas Peltoniemi

President, Asia and Innovation Director TBWA\Digital Arts Network 亞洲總經理暨創新總監






Anirudh Sharma

Co-founder, GRAVIKY LABS Graviky 實驗室共同創辦人 2017 年 Forbes 雜誌亞洲「30 位 30 歲以下人物」

Anirudh 目前是由 MIT 分枝出的創新實驗室 Graviky 實驗室的領導人。Graviky 目前最受矚目的計畫,就是主動捕捉空氣中的污染,並將之轉化為各種產業用與藝術家使用的高品質黑色油墨。(現今黑色油墨的製作法主要還是經由燃燒,當然會增加更多污染。)這個名為「空汙油墨」(Air Ink)的計畫,在 2017 年坎城創意節獲得一金一銀兩座獅子獎座,並在科技創新獎入圍。也在剛剛結束的 Spikes Asia 亞洲創意節的科技創新獎拿到唯二兩座錐子獎座中的一座。

在此之前,Anirudh 領導非營利的 MIT 媒體實驗室的印度設計與創新計畫,將超過 1,500 位來自開發中國家藝術/科學/設計主修的學生,和 60 位 MIT/哈佛導師相連結,進行具有高社會影響力的藝術/科技計畫。在此之前他在 MIT 媒體實驗室的流體介面研究群參與研究並獲得碩士學位。

Aniridh 對科學和外來科技抱著「親手作」的態度。他對透過科技,結合真實與虛擬世界,創造「魔術」懷抱熱情。他的工作與作品尋求推動設計與科技的疆界,創造能夠影響生活的解決方案。他對擴增實境/虛擬實境、融合藝術、正面社會影響力和科技的穿戴裝置也懷抱興趣。2010 年 Anirudh 創建了 Lechal (印地語中意為:跟我一起走!)鞋履計畫,這個個人計畫後來發展為為全世界視力障礙者提供的,能在行進間提供方向指示,並與時尚結合的鞋履產品。

Anirudh 在 2016 年被選為華府「外交政策」「全球 100 位領導思考者」的一員,2012 年獲選 MIT「科技回顧」(Technology Review)年度「35 位 35 歲以下創新者」 。2017 年,入選 Forbes 雜誌亞洲「30 位 30 歲以下人物」。他的作品廣受 TED 、FastCo、 WIRED 等報導,並在許多重要國際會議上介紹。

Anirudh 說他受到包括魔術師胡迪尼、擴增實境藝術家 Marco Tempest 等人身上獲得啟發。理想的未來,是「所有人的差異都成為共同提升的來源」,並且「科技與設計在這點上扮演重大角色」。閒暇時,Anirudh 喜歡閱讀、開車,玩塔布拉鼓。而他最喜歡,也深受啟發的,是塔布拉演奏家 Zakir Hussain。

Anirudh 將親自攜帶「空汙油墨」(Air Ink)的樣品來到台灣創意週,在主場第二天下午出場,並計劃讓與會者實際體驗空汙油墨打印機的原型。他也將擔任 SEIKO 創新創意競賽與創意營的評審和指導講師。

Research Interests
Augmented Reality, fashion, wellness and wearable computing, optics and projected interfaces, sensor networks, social impact Education
2011-2014, Master of Science, Fluid Interfaces Group, MIT Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Experience Co-founder, GRAVIKY LABS graviky.com

Leading innovation and product development at MIT Spinoff R&D Lab developing sensor technologies for social impact and sustainability. Currently developing sensor actuated pollution capture technology, and leading a team of engineers, and designers to capture and recycle environmental Particulate Matter (PM) into industrial grade inks. Facilitated product pilots and technical partnerships in India, Hong Kong, UK, Germany, and leading the product to the launch. Head, MIT Media Lab India Initiative india.media.mit.edu

2012-2014, Trustee
Led the team of 30 MIT researchers, 20 startups, 350 Indian Innovators during MIT Design Innovation Workshop Series to provide platform for diverse communities including designers, artists, engineers, scientists and many more to come together and innovate during our yearly workshop. MIT Lead, MIT Global Startup Labs India at Google, Bangalore mitglobalstartuplabsindia.org

May 2014-July 2014
Mentored teams that designed and user-tested modular extrusion head for 3d printers, augmented interfaces for Internet of Things, assistive aids for deaf-dumb dancers, and assistive feeder for cerebral palsy patients. The MVPs developed during the session were taken forward to raise angel funding during the demo-day and incubation at Google/Qualcomm Ventures. Research Assistant, Fluid Interfaces Group, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA fluid.media.mit.edu
Sept 2012- Sept 2014, Advisor: Dr. Pattie Maes
Developing novel interfaces with transparent displays. Conceptualized and prototyped several use-cases for augmented reality e.g. Glassified Ruler. Worked on paper-based interfaces, large sized displays etc. Ran experiments with fusion of fabrication and augmented reality with transparent displays. Co-founder and CTO, Ducere Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad lechal.com

March 2011- Present, Initiated the LECHAL shoe project
Invented a shoe that helps blind people commute through haptic feedback: experimented with materials, interactions, speech feedback etc., which spun into a startup, featured in TED 2012 Global. Grew from team of 2 to team of 14 in 8 months consisting designers, fashionists, engineers. Collaborated with LV Prasad Eye Institute for clinical trial of our prototypes with 400 subjects. The product is currently in international market. Research Consultant at Hewlett-Packard Labs, India

March 2010- March 2011, Intuitive Multimodal and Gestural Interaction project, HP Labs
Worked with Dr. Sriganesh Madhvanth on simplifying 3D design interface for lay users. Conceptualized end product, around 20+ mockups of prototypes, collaborated with multiple teams. During process we arrived upon novel set of multimodal language to ease up design process via an inclined tabletop. Research Intern at Hewlett-Packard Labs, India

September 2009 – December 2010, Intuitive Multimodal and Gestural Interaction Project
Conceptualized a low cost foldable hover + touch based tabletop display. Worked on the tracker design, hardware and software aspect of the system. Contract Developer at Google

Feb 2009 – July 2009, Team Google SketchUp
Worked with opensource communities to find how lay users use CAD modeling. Used Amazon's MTurk to gather data. Implemented an opensource add-on that transformed the simple CAD UI into an interface usable by multitouch gestures. Research Intern at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi)
April 2009- May 2009, Design Degree Show 2009
Lead the team of 4 hardware, design and computer engineers (Sparsh) to design an engaging experience for kids and the elderly for the annual Design Degree Show at Industrial Design Center, IIT Delhi. The 100” rear projected wall responded to proximity, speech, pose, tangible gestures and explored the emotional response of the viewers. Founder, Linux Users Group, Bikaner, Rajasthan

June 2006-March 2009
Started LUGB with college team-mates. Our team and community of FOSS developers in Rajasthan worked on deploying 200 OLPC XO laptops in Kikarwali, Rajasthan.
anirudhs@mit.edu http://www.anirudh.me